The Orbis Solution
Addressing the Deficit in Healthcare
The healthcare industry is suffering from a shortage of practitioners in nearly every aspect of patient care. At Orbis, we work to solve this problem by partnering educational institutions with healthcare providers—linking supply and demand. The Orbis Solution bridges the gap in the workforce shortage to provide a better future for healthcare.
The Problem

Demand for Care
The demand for healthcare professionals is urgent, partly due to aging baby boomers. Without a solution, thousands of healthcare jobs, most notably nurses, will remain unfilled creating a serious healthcare crisis for our country.

Retiring Workforce
Among those aging baby boomers are healthcare workers about to retire. This retirement wave will leave hospitals and other facilities in jeopardy and create a shortage of nursing educators to train the workforce of tomorrow.

University Resources
Between budget cuts, a lack of healthcare educators, and an insufficient amount of clinical site and classrooms, many universities are forced to turn away qualified applicants, adding to the looming healthcare crisis.

Our Solution
Our solution to fulfill the demand for more healthcare professionals is simple: create pre-licensure programs for universities so they can educate a pipeline of qualified employees ready for hire.

Our learning model includes online, lab, and clinical placements with our healthcare partners. This model is designed to give students more educational access, expand pre-licensure healthcare programs and prepare a pipeline of professionals ready to take on the challenges of the healthcare industry.
Linking Supply and Demand

Collaborative Partnerships
Orbis Education offers university partners an unparalleled service that enables them to increase enrollments and achieve their financial, academic, and graduation goals. In addition, we provide our healthcare partners a seat at the academic table and the opportunity to influence the education of the next generation of healthcare workers.

Online Education
We turn your existing curriculum into an online format, providing a level of convenience to a student’s learning process. Not being tied to a specific classroom schedule or location means students have flexibility to study at any time of the day or night.

Off-Campus Learning Centers
Orbis Education builds, manages, and operates off-campus learning centers where students can practice clinical skills in a safe lab setting, engage in collaborative learning activities, and take exams in a proctored, secure testing environment.

Brand Standards
We customize each program to match our academic partner’s standards, not Orbis’s. We are here for one reason – to provide you with the help you need, both professionally and financially, so you can increase enrollment and grow your healthcare programs.

Guaranteed Clinical Placements
Our programs provide students with guaranteed clinical placements inside the best healthcare facilities around. Students gain diverse, real-world experience, working side by side with top doctors and nurses to provide patient care in a variety of healthcare settings.

Quality Students
Orbis Education has successfully educated thousands of students across the country. Because many are career-changers, they already possess the skills and desire needed for success, which is reflected in their higher than average first-time pass rates on board exams.

Practice Ready Graduates
Our unique blend of online coursework and hands-on experience has proven to be a successful combination. The valuable experience our students receive during our programs help them to become confident, competent healthcare workers ready for hire.

Maximized Impact, Minimized Expense
Our university partnerships and hybrid programs create a continuous pipeline of qualified practitioners ready for hire without the costs of recruiting and training. Priority hiring access to these graduates who were trained in their facilities, using their equipment, within their culture and by their people provides paramount results for our partners.

The Orbis Effect
Since being founded in 2003, we have already successfully educated thousands of students across the U.S. In fact, graduates of our programs tend to have higher than average first-time pass rates on board exams.
The pre-licensure persistence of students across all Orbis-managed nursing programs.
The average first time NCLEX pass rate self-reported by graduates of Orbis managed pre-licensure nursing programs.